Ryan O’Connell’s Languedoc Wine Site: Virgile Joly, La Peira, Daumas Gassac visit with Aimé Guibert…

Ryan O’Connell, is an extraordinary young man, who on top of making wine with his family (O’Vineyards), has an excellent site (Love that Languedoc Wine) that looks like it may develop into an incredibly comprehensive resource on the wines and wine producers of the Languedoc-Roussillon.

Ryan recently visited our domaine and recorded an episode  with Jérémie Depierre at the chai at La Peira. Link below or click on image.

Other Videos linked to the images below include his tastings with Virgile Joly in his Saint Saturnin cave, Juliet Bruce Jones, MW  (who has her own Blog here), Plo Roucarels, and his look around Daumas Gassac with Aimé Guibert.


Tasting and Chat with Virgile Joly in his Saint Saturnin cave (In English/French to come)


Ryan chats with  Jérémie Depierre at La Peira and tastes some young wines (In English / The French Episode tasting the 2007s is here)


Aimé Guibert’s tour of  the Daumas Gassac vineyards.


Juliet Bruce Jones, MW tastes a few interesting Languedoc bottles (Episode in French is here)


Ryan’s visit and tasting at Plo Roucarels (Vins de la Cité de Carcassonne)

All in all, a great site that bridges the Language divide, looks at interesting domaines, and is worthy of attention and support! More about him on the This French Life website